Monday, December 31, 2007

#5-10 in the 2007 Abstinence-Only Countdown

Can you believe it?

5) 16-year-old "Zoe 101" star Jaime Lyn Spears is pregnant and going to have her baby in the deep South. Did she tell her mother first, the dad, or the tabloids?
Washington Post, Dec. 19, 2007

6) JUNO: The new feel-good movie about... a pregnant teenager who decides to go through with the pregnancy, give up the baby for adoption, and keep dating the dad who loves orange tic tacs. Wow! Even her parents were totally cool.
Fox Searchlight, December release

7) MidWest Teen Sex Show: More than 50,000 people subscribe to the new podcast with straight talk about sex for young people. Go Nikol and team (they'll be at our Sex::Tech Conference on January 22, 2008).
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 8, 2007

8) Hip-hop lyrics that celebrate sex have no effect on teen's sexual behavior, researchers from Columbia U. Mailman School of Public Health reported. Carla Stokes (also at our Sex::Tech Conference) decides that's a good thing - and promotes the positive.
Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times, Nov. 6, 2007

9) GREAT ideas coming in from young people about how to improve sex ed for the future. Watch the entries to our Fresh Focus Sex Ed Digital Video Contest today!

10) Make a resolution - to make sex ed comprehensive, non-judgemental, and FUN for 2008! We need your help. Make a video for the contest, or come to our conference, or donate your $$ at

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